Toronto Gay and Lesbian Travel - Queer West Fest 2009 June - Gay and Lesbian Travel, February 2009 by Andrew Collins. Queer West Fest 2009. A great alternative to the usual Gay Pride festivals: Queer West Fest. Begun in 2006, the fast-growing Queer West Fest takes place just before the city's official Pride Toronto Festival, from June 12 through June 21, 2009. The eclectic, community-based event comprises a series of artistic and cultural events and workshops and occurs in the city's diverse and artsy Queer West Village, in the city's West End, centered largely along Queen Street West, in the 1100 through 1700 blocks. It's a neighborhood with a rich mix of populations, gay and straight, young and old, and with a decidedly progressive and countercultural bent.

The organizers of Queer West Fest bill their 10-day event as "an alternative! Less corporate! More grassroots All Queer!" response to the more commercialized Toronto Gay Pride events in Church Street Gay Village. Of course, there's no reason you can't come to Toronto and try out both events and both neighbourhoods. Full Story
