Planning the 2014 Toronto Queer Arts Festival

 The Toronto Queer Arts Festival (Formerly Queer West Fest) has something for everyone; from a film festival, spoken word events, a Youth Unconference, art gallery tours by bicycle, hospitality party and alterna-queer music concert, from a ramble in the ART AND DESIGN DISTRICT to a QUEER CABARET whether you’re gay, straight, lesbian, bi, trans, queer or confused there’s something to inspire, challenge or entertain you

It would be great to have a few more event managers for this year’s Queer West Arts Festival You don’t need experience. In 2012 we had a York University student, with no practical knowledge of queer festivals; he organized a launch party, a film festival and a community fair. With a little guidance you can do it too. Who among you could organize an art gallery event? Who could organize a Launch party? Who could organize a music concert? Who could organize a tour of art galleries by bicycle? Tentative run dates August 4 to 16, 2014.

 If you don't want to be an event manager, your welcome to join us as a Volunteer.Write with your input and ideas to or call 416-879-7954 Toronto Queer Arts Festival that arrives in August for a week of music, dance, laughs, poetry, film,, and, of course, cabaret! One of largest queer arts festival in Canada... featuring a Film Festival and The Smash Words Festival...Now accepting advance bookings for 2014

Toronto Queer Arts Festival - That's So Gay :: Art Exhibition planning - (Jade & Jen), two Fine Arts University student volunteers, with a possible third from NYC joining them at end of April. They are busy planning the art gallery exhibition and festival launch party for week of August 7 to 30th, 2014...A group exhibition showcasing the diverse art of 5/10/15?+ Toronto-area GLBT artists whose artwork in various media explores the Gay Liberation Movement, Politics and Identity. or call 416-879-7954

2014 Queer West Arts Festival has booked the Amy Campbell folk band for our Alternaqueer Music Concert Friday August 8th,. One of three bands we hope to book. Bookings; or call 416-879-7954
