Editorial: The Ridiculousness of Recruiting

Editorial Opinion - Toronto Digital Queeries-
October1   2003

The Ridiculousness of Recruiting 
By Michael Paré, Toronto ON

What fallacies are involved in the gay recruiting theory? First of all, in order to attract new recruits to any group, one must have incentives to join. The armed forces, for example, offer job training, money for college, and life skills. What would be the incentives to become gay? Rejected by your family and friends? Expulsion from your church? Condemnation, hate, and name-calling by the general public? Job and housing discrimination? Second-class treatment by the government?

But there is more to this recruitment thing besides the lack of incentives. Like the fact that straight "recruiting" is not noticed or considered "normal" ...but if you were do the same things with a gay perspective, you are an evil sexual predator trying to corrupt our society.

For example, if we include sexual orientation in high school sex education classes for the purpose of teaching tolerance to the straights and self-respect to the gays, we are "indoctrinating" and "recruiting" children. But by that time, those children have been exposed to years of active heterosexual "recruiting." Yes, most definitely. By everything from perfume and jeans and shampoo commercials to well-meaning aunts commenting that their two-year-old nephews are going to be "lady-killers" to teasing 8- and 9-year-old girls about boys.

By the time they reach high school, our children have been literally bombarded with programming and indoctrination of the "heterosexual lifestyle." So are we afraid that homosexuality is so appealing that simply acknowledging its existence to them and teaching against hatred will cause them all to become gay? We're not that insecure about heterosexuality, are we? Some people apparently are. And studies have proven that those who are the most vocally and heatedly anti-gay are in fact afraid of their own
homoerotic feelings.

These they repress by prosecuting others who are themselves secure.
